Vaastu Shastra is an ancient Science which helps one to get the natural benfits truly offered by the five basic elements of the univers in which we all live. These basic elements are Akash(sky), pridhvi(Earth), Paani(water), Agni(Fire) and vayu(wind).
The ancient relies say’s that vaastu is based on two forces “Positive” and “Nagative” which are constantly interacting with eachother on the surface of the land, These forces should get disturbed whenever any structure is elected on a vacant land, to maintain a balance.
At Exotic interiors we assure you the best vasstu consullation that will help you in keeping more positive energies inside the bulding & keep you healthy, wealthy & peaceful in you house or office.
- Interior desigining according to vaastu shastra
- We are specialists in designing the interiors or Residentiol, corporate & commercial buildings on the principles of ancient vaastu shastra This includes
- Placement of furniture in right vaastu directions
- Fixing of lights according to vaastu shastra
- Color therapy for colors of walls & furniture etc
- Placements of plants so that you can get maximum benefit of nature
- Placement of vaastu instruments to keep more positive energy inside the building
- Residential vaastu
- Residential vaastu includes site selection for the home & then construction according to the principles of vaastu shastra & delications. Such as pooja room should be in lshan cone (North-East), kitchen should be in Agnay cone(South-East). Like this every delication have it’s importance & place for different rooms, verandah, lobby etc.
In Commercial vaastu we are doing the placement of each & every placelike MD office, finanice Department, Reception, Marketing Department & Manufacturing unit etc. vaastu for Restarents, showrooms, shop, Hospitals, Educational Instustions etc.
According to the vaastu principles Tis will help the Owner in getting more business & for the development of the company or office.
Pyramids are real MIRACLES on earth though there are practically created by man thousands of years ago but still they are very effective and miraculors due to their charecristics in respect of cosine energy with the help and use of which lot can be done for the betterment , upliftiment of entire mankind.
One of pyramids in a right direction with a procedure can give maximum benefits to the people who lives in the building
- No beam should run above the bed.
- The master bedroom should be in the south west corner and the bed should be on the southern wall.
- The bedrooms for sons should be in the east or south east corner and bed should be on the southern or eastern wall.
- The Guest bedroom or daughters bedrooms should be on the North-west Zone.
- Family members should face East or North in living and dining room.
- No furniture should be kepr with 8fet or door higher of the entrance.
- The dining table should be square or rectangle shape and not in heragonal shape.
- A 6" offset should be left from the door to wall.
- The refrigerator should not be placed in East or North side of the room.
- The computer should be placed in the south-East zone.
- The study should face the eastern or northern wall.
- The dining should be on the East or North wall.
- The staircase should be facing south or west.
- The bed Should not be in the extreme North East corner and head should be on south or East.
- It is advisable to not have mirror exactly opposite the bed.
- The wardrobe are should be raised and preferably be placed in the south west corner of the room.
- The North-East corner should always be empty.
- The senior executives/managers/directors should occupy south west direction(considered the best), west and south zone.
- The middle management cadre staff should be placed in the North or East zone.
- Reception/visitors/Temple/Drinking water etc.. to be arranged in the North-East Zone.
- The field staff should be placed in the North-West zone.
- The account staff/ engineering staff /artist should be placed in the south-East zone.
- Staff should sir facing North or East directions.
- No beam should run above the heads of the staff or their seating positions.
- The North East corner should be empty.
- Bore wells or ponds should be at North East of the plot.
- The entrance door should be on the Eastein or Northan side(please refel the vaastu mandala).
- The highest point of the plor should be on the south west corner of the plot.
- The plot should slope from south west lenjards the North East.
- The plot projecting lenjards the south – west is considered bad.
- Shape of the plot should preferably be rectangular between 2:3 & 1:2 proportions.
- The center of the structure is called Brahmasthana and should be open to sky.
- Main entrance of the restaurant should always be from East or North.
- Reception of the restaurant should be better placed in Northern side.
- Storage room to store raw material, grains etc must be ideally placed in south- west.
- Kitchen in the restaurant should always be held in south- East and avoid other location or direction for kitchen.
- Keep the location of the restaurant well organized because vaastu defected locations can affect the flourishing.